Thursday, December 18, 2008

All I want for Christmas . . . 'ummmm? But first..

These two girls are the cutest! Then they grew up and are surely Daddy's little girls!
This is the proud Dad with our cute daughters all gown up. I luv this picture of them.

Hey, I made my list and I hope it was checked at least once. But what I want is for the bills to be paid and not set aside just so we can have gifts under the tree. I hate that cuz then after Christmas when the bills are behind and the oil tank needs to be refilled the dh gets grumpy when he can't seem to get caught up. Really.

I have been eyeing the New Making Memories Slice. Then I saw it on sale for $99 at A.C. Moore craft store. They sold out fast, so I was told. Now I have been on Ebay watching for one but people are bidding way over what they should be. I thought of this great idea. If everyone would take their turn and bid like a reasonable price then we could all share in lower prices instead of acting like if they don't bid they won't get one. It's like a mad craze to own one. I think it is way over priced for what it can actually do. It really is limited as to what the Quickcuts Silluette. Check it out over at TwoPeasinabucket site. There is a video demo. This machine is awesome. And Kristina has a kool vid on her blog showing how she uses it with her software.

KWernerDesign (dot) com. This girl is so talented. I learn so much on her blog.


sideoats + scribbles said...

What a great picture! :)

I know what you mean about people over-bidding on ebay, too!

Gonna go check out the videos, thanks for the recommendation...

2 Worlds said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog
RAK= Random Act of Kindness