Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Happy Button Day on Monday November 16th

I guess yesterday was National Button Day. So here is a photo of my button cookies I made a couple weeks ago. The recipe is a maple sugar cookie. But no one liked the cookie. I guess they aren't sweet enough. I would make them again but maybe sandwich them together with a yummy frosting.


Patti J said...

HA! These are so sweet! Did you think that up yourself? Wow!!! Great idea!

Lynn Mercurio said...

A good coat of shillack and they would make great embellishments. Tee hee. How fun.

The Sonboul's said...

lol that is the cutest idea! love these!

Janelle said...

Cute cookies! Of course, frosting makes everything better, though (from a lifelong sweet-tooth with no desire to reform)! Thanks for visiting my blog today!

Helen Dooley said...

I was checking out your blog and I passed the cookies thinking the wooden buttons look like cookies, scrolled back and said wow they really look like cookies. that would be good cause they are.LOL Awesome job on them. They are yummy looking.TFS